June was really good to me. It was a good month even though I didn’t blog as much as I wanted to.
- I got two new banners — You’re Just My Type and The Three C’s: Candid Conversations with Cee.
- I received BEA books from Kelly and Jon. (Thanks, dudes!)
- I purchased a new domain. EEEEEEKKKKKK. The project is top secret. It won’t be revealed until August (even though I want to get the design and everything done right now, but no timeeee).
- Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie were at Philly Comic Con. And let me say that I became super overwhelmed with all the pictures and fan accounts. I wished I went!
- I started Blogilates. I’ve kept up with it for the past week. Hopefully, I’ll keep on doing it.
I have a pretty bad memory, so I’m sure I left out important moments in my life.
This batch of books are mostly ARCs!
Midnight Thief by Livia Blackburne (from Kristen of My Friends Are Fiction)
Jackaby by William Ritter (from Jon of Scott Reads It)
Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer (from Kelly of Effortlessly Reading)
Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis (from Kelly of Effortlessly Reading)
This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner (from Kelly of Effortlessly Reading)
I’ll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson!!!!! (from Kelly of Effortlessly Reading)
Life By Committee by Corey Ann Haydu (from Estelle of Rather Be Reading Blog)
Thank you for the books, my dear friends! <3
I didn’t post as much as last month for reasons that are unknown to me. :\ I hope to get back
- I got two fabulous new banners for You’re Just My Type and The Three C’s: Candid Conversations with Cee. I wanted them to fit with my current design, and the new ones fit perfectly!
- I reviewed Ask Again Later by Liz Czukas and As They Slip Away (Across the Universe #0.5) by Beth Revis!
- I talked about —
- movie tie-in covers and how I’m not a fan. What about you?
- the books I’ve attempted to write for Camp NaNoWriMo. I was also curious as to what your book would be about if you wrote one.
- the cover change for Hold Still by Nina LaCour, and I approve of the paperback design!
- the different covers of The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen.
- Speaking of Camp NaNo, I wrote this letter to myself (in the second person) to pump myself up! I can achieve my goals, right?
- If you missed my font posts, check them out here:
{13} Chiara’s Picks! | {14} | {15}
- I’m waiting on these books! (I need these books desperately!)
To get out of my reading slump. I miss reading.I sort of did?To start reviewing books again. I feel so rusty since I haven’t done it in like two months. Yikes!I started! Slow and steady.More Holy, Mother Cover! posts!Not as much as last month, which actually disappoints me.Start requesting books (and that probably won’t happen until I start reviewing books).HAHAHAHAHA. NOPE. Still haven’t done that.
- I must reach 15k (or more) words for Camp NaNoWriMo. I MUST.
- Read and review more books.
- Read my ARCs on time.
- More Sincerely, Cee and Holy, Mother Cover posts! GET BACK TO THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR WHEN I WAS ROCKING OUT POSTS!
How was your June? Any memorable thing happen? Did you enjoy any of my posts? Are you looking forward to July?
Now switch the design for that domain instead of this one! -pats your lovely blue ocean waves-
And you’re welcome. ;D
Can’t wait to see what you have in store with the new domain!
You had a good month! Can’t wait to hear more about the new domain….
Happy July reading!
Tsk tsk, 4/5 missed chances for a shoutout :P
EXCITED that you got Life by Committee but also nervous because what if you don’t like it eeek. But that cover and the colours *sighs happily* I’ll try my best to mask the pain in case you don’t like it.
You will be productive in July. YOU WILL AND MUST. I’LL MOTIVATE YOU ;D
Top secret project?! TELL ME YOUR SECRETS!!!! Ahhh, this is very exciting news :D
Top secret project?! TELL ME YOUR SECRETS!!!! Ahhh, this is very exciting news :D
Oh! Love the sound of all of that :DD Lovely new books, and I loved the new banners for You’re Just My Type and The Three C(ee)’s! :D All the best for NaNoWriMo too! :D Sounds like fun :3
AND NEW SUPER SECRET PROJECT OMG. AUGUST. Just like Charlotte!! And maybe with Chiara? ;) I’m thinking you three are planning a C-UBED WORLD DOMINATION xP EXCITING. I’ll be waiting too! :D <3
A new domain? Does this have anything to do with your Sebastian Stan obsession? I won’t be surprised LOL.
I love, love, love the new banner of You’re Just My Type. Such prettiness.
Gah, I badly want to start Blogilates, as well. Maybe I can get motivated by you to start. I just need a final push…
Yay for reviewing more. I actually feel good when I write reviews now. Heh.
New domain? Top secret project? WOMAN. WAT R U DOIN. You can’t do this. It’s like saying “I have a surprise for you but you can’t have it”. IT JUST MAKES ME WANT IT MORE.
I keep thinking about trying out Blogilates but it scares me. What if it hurts? I’m so unfit! D: What’s it like?
Midnight thief and stitching snow, awesome :D I can’t wait to see what you are up to with your new domain! Happy reading :)