Oh wow, June is over.
What happened this past June?
- I blogged more than I did the previous months (which is awesome!). Each week, I did Top Ten, Waiting On, In My Mailbox/Stacking the Shelves, and a review. I know that doesn’t sound like such a big deal, but for me, it’s the beginning of a blogging schedule. I felt like I was in a funk in the first five months of the year, but then Armchair BEA came around and kicked me right in the ass, motivating me to write and connect. This regular blogging schedule will hopefully get me to post more reviews and write more posts that branches out from what I’m used to doing.
- Design changes! I made changes to the header and the text images to make my blog more personal. It’s crazy how much the blog changes when you change the typeface. I really love it. I’m just in awe that I actually made it. (I guess graphic design is easy when I have typefaces.)
- I wrote a review every week.
- I discontinued my participation in In My Mailbox and started Stacking the Shelves. No special reason whatsoever.
- I watched The Great Gatbsy and wrote a ridiculous letter to
Leonardo DiCapriohim, preaching my love for his face. - I rejoined Top Ten Tuesday after not doing it for two months.
- I wait on these books:
- No more Google Reader. (I don’t require people to follow me there since it doesn’t work for WordPress.) I’m going to post the obligatory “Google Reader is gone. Follow me here!” tomorrow.
My goals for July:
- Post more often. More reviews. More classic literature. More letters. And discussion posts.
- Connect/interact with bloggers on Twitter.
- Find a job. (Unemployment sucks!)
Harley Bear (@HarleyBearBooks) says
I love the new blog design! Also Armchair BEA was a lot of fun so that’s great it was a motivator for you too. I still need to see Gatsby movie. But now I gotta wait until it’s on DVD lol. I hope July is just as awesome for you.
Cee says
Thank you!
I loved doing the discussions. It really made me think of my writing/blog and what I want to do with it. You definitely need to see the Great Gatsby when you get a chance. When the DVD comes out, I’ll be watching it nonstop, crying into my hands from all the feelings I have for their tragic lives. ;D
Alexa Loves Books (@alexalovesbooks) says
Good luck with the job hunt! I’m sure the perfect job for you is out there, and that you’ll get it. And good luck with blog posting! It can be difficult to keep up with it, honestly, but just keep on going. If you need a cheerleader, I can totally volunteer (and I’m good at that!).
Cee says
Thanks! I’m crossing my fingers. It’s so discouraging when I don’t hear a reply. I hate tweaking my cover letter since it’s soooo time consuming (and I have the attention of a goldfish), but it’s necessary.
I’m gonna hold you up to your cheerleader offer. :D
Bookworm1858 says
Good goals for July! I know how hard it is to look for a job and I definitely cheer for you to tweak your cover letter each job-it’s so necessary and those little details you demonstrate there can help you stand out while you’re looking.