Inspired by What She Reads, Pure Imagination Blog, and Stacked.I admit I’m a book cover snob. Who isn’t though?
Book covers are the first thing that attracts readers to a book. A good cover can draw someone is, just as a bad cover can easily draw someone away. It can essentially make or break a book. Holy, Mother Cover! is where I showcase the book covers that stand out (or make me cringe) and discuss cover changes.
(A big special thanks to Georgie at What She Reads for bestowing me this fabulous name and to Charlotte at The Simple Tales for creating the beautiful feature banner you see before you.)
It’s a really popular theme! Not surprising since there’s a plethora of dragon books out there. When I searched for the best dragon covers, most of them did not appeal to me because they looked incredibly dated and dull. But I know some people would like it since the dated look is one of the books’s charm; it’s so distinct. It’s just so interesting to see how dragon covers have changed throughout the years.
However, the ones I have chosen for this post are more modern.
THEME: Dragons!
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Dragons Love Tacos | A Friend for Dragon | Argus
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The Hobbit | Kinslayer | The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship Of Her Own Making
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The Runaway Dragon | A Natural History of Dragons | Moon Rising
Best dragon cover? The Hobbit and A Natural History of Dragons! (But really, Dragons Love Tacos because TACOS! YUMMMM.)
A Natural History of Dragons is gorgeous! I love your holy mother cover posts :)
I did a list of books with dragons a while ago (dragons <3) and about half of them have dragons on their covers – Hobb's and Le Guin's are my favourites!
Dragons are so awesome! I think my favorite cover with a dragon on it (although it is a very small dragon) is A Creature of Moonlight by Rebecca Hahn! It just might be the font of the title that does it for me ;D
Although from your selection, ‘Kinslayer’ is definitely the most badass of the bunch, I think!!!
HECK YES DRAGONS. There’s not enough of them in the book world. Of the books you’ve featured here I probably like Kinslayer or A Natural Histrory of Dragons. The Lotus War covers are just all badass and amazing and the Natural History cover just please me because ANATOMY!! (I am a vet student. That’s my explanation)
One dragon cover I love that isn’t featured here is the cover of Seraphina. And there’s another series of dragon books that have beautiful illustrated covers that I’ve forgotten the name of! This is really frustrating because they have gorgeous covers with Asian inspired dragons and I’ve been wanting to read them forever.
Who doesn’t love dragons on their covers? I am personally loving the Dragon Loves Tacos book cover. I just actually want to be that dragon with all of the tacos. Wish we could be friends. :)
That’s such an adorable cover of the Hobbit!! I also love the cover of The Natural History of Dragons. Have you read it? I’ve heard good things about it, but I’ve never read it myself. Great post! :)
I loooooove these covers. Who doesn’t love dragons?
I am still crying at that Dragons Loves Tacos cover! Oh man, it’s perfect for you haha. Those dragons have great taste ;) AND YASSSS KINSLAYER. LOOK AT THAT FUCKING BADASS DRAGON <3333
The Runaway Dragon looks fab too, I absolutely love the art style. I have no idea why I never intended to get A Natural History of Dragons but I MUST NOW and it was released on my birthday in 2013, coincidence? I THINK NOT. I MUST HAVE IT.
Of the bunch you’ve selected, Dragons Love Tacos is my favorite. It’s so cute, and I LOVE the title. But, my favorite dragon book cover is Jack Prelutsky’s The Dragons Are Singing Tonight. It was one of my favorite books when I was a youngster.