I am here to say, the 2017 Love-A-Thon is officially over. I haven’t actually been around very much throughout Love-A-Thon because of work. (I couldn’t get the weekend off since it’s President’s Day weekend for me, and my store needed people there.) However, I’m gonna be leaving lots of love messages to every single person who participated in the next week!
I’m so thankful for having these lovely co-hosts with me—Alexa, Kristin, & Mel—who have been kicking ass all weekend. I’m just brimming with love and caps lock for all ya’ll.
Love-A-Thon may have ended, but keep the love and positivity going. This event may be a two-day event, but it really is year-round. Everybody needs a fangirl/boy-ing flailing buddy or a support system, so keep interacting with each other. I hope everybody have found awesome new book lovers they can talk to, and I hope that everybody who has felt disconnected from the book community feel like they’ve reconnected with this event. Keep the love, joy, and positivity year-round! Stay connected, and stay in touch!
Alexa, Hazel, Kristin, and I would love to thank all the participants who partook in Love-A-Thon as well as these following people (particularly for providing these awesome books for the giveaways):
- Tor Teen
- Disney-Hyperion
- the NOVL
- Alex from Booksy Daisy Reviews
Prize Pack #1
This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith
Life in a Fishbowl by Len Vlahos (ARC)
Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan
The Edge of Everything by Jeff Giles (ARC)
Replica by Lauren Oliver
Kissing Max Holden by Katy Upperman (ARC)
Thank you again to everybody who participated in the 2017 Love-A-Thon. Treat yourself to awesome and continue chatting with the lovely book lovers you met. I hope you can all join us next year again. <3
You can still comment on Love-A-Thon posts, which I will be doing until I comment on everybody’s blog! *cross my fingers* Also, don’t feel shy to tweet at anybody who participated—even me! The book community is a welcoming one, and you gotta put one feet in and we’ll envelope you in welcomes and love.
kayla says
I seriously wish we could do this at least twice a year! I came late to the party this year due to a crazy work load. I can’t wait for next year already!
SweetMarie83 says
This weekend was so much fun! I’m sorry you weren’t able to be around more, but it’s awesome you plan to visit all the blogs!
~Marie @ Ramblings of a Daydreamer
Lauren says
My favorite part was discovering new blogs and interacting with people! I love the positive feelings that come with this event year after year! Thanks for hosting Cee <3
Tiffany @ A Nanny's Literary Musings says
I’m pretty sure my most favorite part of this event was the schedule you and the other hosts sent out beforehand chock full of fun activities! This has to be one of the most stress-free, well-organized events I’ve ever been a part of!
Irenda says
Irenda says
Thank you ladies so much for all the time and effort you put into this challenge. I truly appreciate it! I was so glad to be able to complete my (super unedited) video. I hope to connect with all the members of this beautiful community!