Bless the Weather gods for finally calming down… It was soo hot for the first half of the month, which was the worst thing ever because hotness is gross and not appreciated. I wanted the coolness of Fall, and now it’s here! Time to take out my sweaters and scarves! Yeeeeee.
Not a lot of exciting things happened, except lots of book mail + complaints about how hot the weather was.
I went to the annual September big book sale.
The venue was a bit smaller since it was in a different warehouse. I hoped that there would be a lot of comic books and graphic novels, and luckily, I found a few (like the classic Calvin & Hobbes). I got myself a copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban because my original copy had been broken in two due to lots of reads when I was a teenager. (I loved that book so much. Can you tell?)
(There wasn’t a jacket for the copy I got, which sucks because the jacket for my book had been lost years ago.)
I’ve been listening to lots of awesome music.
On top of Halsey, I’ve been listening to Queen and Hamilton the Musical. It’s pure awesomeness. (Scroll down for more in my obsession section. ;D)
I changed my Twitter icon, and now it’s frickin’ perfect.
I just love it a lot okay? It’s of Bo Maeve from the Black Canary comics, drawn by Pia Guerra. It’s ridiculous how much I love that icon I made. I don’t think I’ll be changing it any time soon (hopefully not until Captain America: Civil War is about to come out, in which I will revert to Seb Stan’s face like with CA2). ;D