The end of August means it is officially the end of summer. Boooooo.
It has been a good month for me. And this past week has been totally awesomeeeeee for me – from being more active on my blog and on twitter to the events I attended. I have been filled with so much joy that I hope it continues into September.
I reviewed:
In “The Three C’s: Candid Conversations with Cee,” I discussed:
My favorite friendships in YA and children’s literature
My indecisiveness when I go to bookstores
My bad habit of book juggling
In “Judg(ing) A Book By Its Cover,” I talked about:
The cover change of If I Stay by Gayle Forman
In “Waiting on Wednesday,” I wait for:
- My BFF returned from Japan for a visit and gave me the best present in the world! CAT BUTTS. (It’s so relevant to my life.)
- My BFF and I hung out and made some progress on our joint YA story. (I should be working on it right now. :P)
- On the 23rd, I saw No Man’s Land that starred Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, and Billy Crudup. IT WAS SO BRITISH AND AMAZING. And I got Ian McKellen’s autograph. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! He brushed past me to move through the small crowd. AHHHHHH. One of my best nights.
- My sister left for school in Chicago, which meant she gave me her laptop (which is in really good condition). I am excited because y’know, I was without a laptop since I knocked my old laptop over in July.
- I became obsessed with The Thrilling Adventure Hour podcasts, specifically “Beyond Belief” segment, because of Rainbow Rowell, who I blame. Everybody needs to listen to it.
- On the 28th, I MET AND TALKED TO SARAH J. MAAS! asdjwrjqworjfojsajsdj9wiepwqi SHE IS MY SPIRIT ANIMAL. I LOOOOOVVEEEEE HEEEERRRRR. I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be when I spoke to her. The reason might be because she is super friendly. And I can talk to her about anything, specifically Henry Cavill and Teen Wolf. (There will be a post in a few days (once I type it up).) And I bought these lovelies and had them all signed by Sarah –
How was your August? Was it as awesome as mine?
OMG you got to meet an author?? I’m sooo jealous! There are no author events here so I can’t meet anyone ;_; Oh, and This Song Will Save Your Life was a fantastic book I hope you’ll love it! :D
Haha those Cat Butts are funny even though I’ve no idea what it’s about.
Also, we’re book juggling soul mates ’cause I juggle books all the time lately. I will need to check out your post and be humbled by it. I mean just two days ago, I was reading four books, now I’m reading two. I need some serious help.
I do need to read Throne of Glass soon! I feel like I’ll love it since I love The Starkillers Cycle. Gah, so good. Also, signed books rock. *high five*
And oh, that joint YA story sounds pretty interesting! Good luck with it, Cee and BFF =D
OMG I am so jelly that you got to meet Sarah J! I absolutely adored CoM. I can’t wait for This Song Will Save Your Life either!
Thanks for sharing, hon! <33
First of all: I love your blog and all those graphics! SO CUTE.
Now on to the post! Aside from the end of August being the end of summer, it sounds like you had a wonderful month! AND OH MY GOD. YOU MET IAN MCKELLER AND GOT HIS SIGNATURE AND THEN YOU MET AND TALKED TO SARAH MASS?!
I WANT YOUR LIFE. *grabby hands*
Seriously though, you’re so lucky! Now you better hang that poster(?) up in a place of honor. ;) And LOL. Cat Butts? Sounds interesting. I’m pretty much waiting on all those you are – except for This Song Will Save Your Life. That book was fantastic. I really hope you get to read it soon!
Hope September is as awesome as August was – even with school and all. :)
LOVE YOUR MONTH OF AUGUST!! I’m just starting on Throne of Glass, and all friends who’ve read this have loved it to pieces, so I sure have high hopes :) As for the If I Stay cover change… I think the Before would’ve been more eye-catching, and not-so-clichéd YA-girl-on-cover-look, though I love the cover scheme and orientation of the After!
Hope you’ll have an awesome September ahead! New follower <3
Alicia @ Summer Next Top Story
Wohoo! You’ve got gorgeous covers there. Throne of Glass is still buried under my TBR pile but I’m hoping that I could read it soon. Please enjoy your reads!
Thanks for stopping by my STS!
Thoughts and Pens STS
How wonderful that you met Sarah Mass! I was going to go to her event out here on the 27th but I had just got back from a Seattle trip and I was too tired. Plus, I haven’t read her books yet. How wonderful you inherited a laptop, I love using one because you can sit anywhere and be on it. The end of summer is a bummer, but I’m welcoming the cooler weather. You must live in So Cal as well (from your comment on my blog) so you know the dreadful heat we’ve been having! Not going to miss that. Enjoy all your reads, Cee! :)
LOL I want to know what the Cat Butts books is about! The covers are so funny! Oh, you met Sarah J Maas! I’ve heard great things about her books and I really need to start them. Enjoy you reads :)
Thanks for stopping by.
Sounds like you had a great month!! :)
Yay for theater. I’m hoping to go see Betrayal (more Pinter) with Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig when it opens…
Sarah Maas is so super-nice — I got to talk to her for about three seconds at BEA…
Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics
EEEP to you meeting Sarah!!! that is SO EXCITING!!!! can’t wait for your recap. :)
Haha, I love how your bf gifted you cat butts! I actually saw another blogger recently get these same two books. Can’t remember who though! And how cool that you both are working on a YA story together!
Ian McKellen’s autograph? How cool! Soooo jealous!
And awesome for meeting Sarah! I just bought the first two Throne of Glass novels this past week and can’t wait to read them. I hope I love them as much as everyone else!
Looks like you had an awesome August. Hopefully September can keep up ;)
Can’t believe you got Sir Ian McKellen’s autograph-that is so cool! Hope September is a good month for you too!