[quote]Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we list our top tens![/quote]
This week’s topic is “top ten books I’m not sure I want to read.” I only restricted myself to YA books because I have a ton of general fiction I’m unsure of reading too. I’m extremely hesitant about reading these books. I’ve picked them up, only to put them back down because I never feel like I’m in the mood, which leads me to question if I’m better off not reading any of these books. I already have a hugeeeee TBR list, so the question is, are these books worth reading?
Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris
I know that many people love this book, but I’m unsure I’d like it. The plot doesn’t excite me.
The Symptoms of My Insanity by Mindy Raf
I read the first page and immediately closed the book. It’s supposed to be funny? Ha!
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
I keep forgetting the synopsis of this book, and that makes me unsure if it’s for me.
Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn & David Leviathan
I keep trying to read this, but I keep thinking about Michael Cera and Kat Dennings.
The Beautiful and the Cursed by Page Morgan
The gothicness intrigues me (because I like Gothic), but I just don’t feel like reading it. :\
Strands Of Bronze and Gold by Jane Nickerson
I want to read this, but I’m not familiar with the Bluebeard fairytale. :P
The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen
I want to because c’mon Sarah Dessen, but I’m just not in love with that synopsis.
If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch
I don’t think I’m prepared emotionally for this book.
Matched by Ally Condie
I haven’t heard good things about this book. I want to experience it myself, but do I want the pain? Nahh?
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
Is this a book for me? Maybe. But I think I can not read it and be okay with it?
I loved Matched, but I haven’t finished the rest of the series. And I know I’m in the minority, but I’m not the biggest fan of Sarah Dessen’s work, at least, the ones that I’ve read from her. I also have A Great and Terrible Beauty and The Beautiful & the Cursed on my bookshelf… But for one reason or another I just haven’t been “feeling” them enough to give them a go.
In the spirit of being honest . . . if you don’t read Moon and More, you’re really not going to be missing much.
I mean, I love SD as much as the next person, but this book just didn’t have the heart of her old stuff and was a bit boring, if I’m honest :(
The only one I’ve read here is A Great and Terrible Beauty, and I enjoyed it, a lot (not enough to finish the series yet, but I’m planning to one day!) While finishing the series is not the priority at the moment for me, I still recommend reading the first book! It was pretty great :D
I read Strands of Bronze and Gold and wasn’t crazy about it. I wasn’t familiar with Bluebeard before going into it, but I don’t think that affected my enjoyment, since the story is kind of explained. It just wasn’t a great book.
I think I could have liked Matched had I not been rooting for the losing side of the love triangle. I feel like there was a great, nice guy (the one I was rooting for). Then there was another guy who we basically knew nothing about and the MC was just gaga for him… and as a reader, I couldn’t understand why because he was nothing special. That killed my enjoyment for the book and I never finished the series.
I’ve heard Unraveling is actually pretty awesome and one of those hidden gems. I have it on the Kindle so I’m still waiting to get to it and I bought A Great and Terrible Beauty in April so idk but I know the series has gotten some pretty good reviews. Potential read-a-long books? :P
IDK about The Symptoms of My Insanity, I remember hearing a bit about it but I don’t think they were all that good or mediocre at best. Same with The Beautiful and Cursed. LOL for Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist. TBH I would have wanted to read that before I started blogging because I feel if I read it now, I probably wouldn’t like it and find it that good.
Lol I think you better run from Strands of Bronze and Gold and Matched. They’re definitely not up your alley. I haven’t read either of them but I don’t think you’ll like them. YESSSS TO IF YOU FIND ME. But definitely read it when you’re emotionally prepared because that book packs a punch to the heart. I can’t say for The Moon and More because I still haven’t read my first Sarah Dessen book but I remember reviews saying it wasn’t as good as her usual. Not sure about The Name of the Star, I mean it’s mystery which is awesome because I love mystery but it doesn’t seem that appealing other than that?
Hmm, a great and terrible beauty. I have this one, but I stil haven’t read it. Any why not? I don’t know why not. I should maybe pick it up sometime, but I have never felt like it.
A Great and Terrible Beauty was kind of meh, I gave up halfway because I just couldn’t connect with the main character at all (which is a pity because the setting was interesting, but she was just so flat…)
I don’t think you need to be familiar with the tale of Bluebeard for Strands of Bronze and Gold but I wouldn’t recommend it for other reasons.
I’ve heard only good things about If You Find Me but I am on the fence for the same reason!
A Great and Terrible Beauty doesn’t seem to keep my attention, like you, I tend to forget what the book is even about which keeps me from reading it. Not sure if I’m going to completely forget about it…
The only one I’ve read from this list is A Great and Terrible Beauty, and I absolutely love that series so I would definitely recommend giving it a shot. I’ve only read the first two books (there are three) and while they’re a bit hefty, they’re totally worth it.
If you like historical fiction + paranormal together, you’ll like A Great and Terrible Beauty. I’m not exactly over the moon with this book but it was good. I hope the series gets better though. I’m just not into paranormal as a genre but if the plot of this book picks up a little, that would be great.
The Moon and More is definitely my least favorite Dessen book. I read it because hello Sarah Dessen, but it’s by far one of her weaker novels. The characters aren’t all that interesting and the story is rather flat and boring :(
I would recommend A Great and Terrible Beauty, though! Bray’s prose and storytelling is absolutely beautiful in that series.
I suggest you give STRANDS OF BRONZE AND GOLD a try if you have the time. I would like to hear what you thought of it.
I completely forgot to put Matched on my list, but it’s definitely one I’m curious about but not enough to really look at. I think what pulls me is the cover, it’s so simplistic and appealing!
I’ve only read Matched which was an okay read and I loved Crossed a lot but not excited about finishing the trilogy.
I’m not emotionally prepared for If You Find Me, either, Cee!
I kind of want to read Unraveling.