Welcome to the Summer of Sailor Scouts! (Aka July!)
Earlier this year, Alexa of Alexa Loves Books, Cristina of Girl in the Pages, Kristin of Super Space Chick, Sierra of SDavReads, and I all discovered that we shared a mutual love and appreciation for Sailor Moon! After exchanging plenty of flailing tweets and constantly bringing up our love for this magical girl story, we felt it was only right to celebrate it, and that’s what’s happening this July! Every week will feature a brand new blog post per day from each of us, and we’re excited to be sharing the Sailor Moon love with all our readers!
In this week of Summer of Sailor Scouts, we are talking about Sailor Moon swag we own or wish we own! For me, I want to share with you the preciousness I used to own when I was younger and what I own now!
If you were to peek into my childhood, you would see that I was obsesssssed with Sailor Moon. From posters to toys to manga, I wanted all the Sailor Moon items in the world! I remember going to toy stores and crying at my parents to get me a Sailor Moon locket or doll. I remember hunting for English-translated Sailor Moon mangas for ages. I would do anything and everything to find all the Sailor Moon merchandise (but of course that doesn’t mean I got them all. Darn parents ;D). Looking at all the merch I got when I was younger has filled me with so much nostaglia.
These are the Sailor Moon merchandise I remember owning and loving with all my heart:
- Sailor Moon Locket (aka the Crystal Star transformation locket)
This was my everything. I think my sisters and I were supposed to share this locket, but I refused because I loved it so much. It may not have been super accurate to the anime, but it was so cool! It was nice and shiny. It lit up when you opened it. When you pressed the pink crystal inside, it made two transformation sounds! (Listening to this sent me on a nostalgia trip!)
- Sailor Venus Adventure Doll
My sisters and I each got our favorite Sailor Scout, and Venus was it for me! I did everything with this Sailor Venus doll! I would roleplay with her, make her do splits, braid her hair, play with the little wand, and so on.
- Sailor Scouts – Little Black Dress poster
SO MUCH LOVE FOR THIS GORGEOUS POSTER. LOOK AT THOSE FABULOUS DRESSES! When I was little, I saw this poster in someone else’s house, and loved it so much that I bothered my mom to get me it. After she said no a million times, she gave in and got me it. It’s the first poster that was framed! Ha.
- Sailor Moon themed fabric
My sisters and I were huggeeee fans of Sailor Moon that our mom bought Sailor Moon printed fabric and made us dresses, pajama pants, and small blankets!
- Sailor Moon wand: my sisters and I didn’t own this for long. We had lost it after a month. :P
- Two other posters: one was taped to the wall (I think I ended up giving it to my BFF a few years ago) + a screenprint poster.
- Sailor Moon manga: We owned a few volumes. I don’t remember which ones because the volumes have somehow disappeared. (None of my sisters know what happened to them which sucks!) I just remember that the art was the anime version.
I don’t own a lot of Sailor Moon merchandise anymore. (I’m bummed we threw out all the old Sailor Moon toys.) I do want to get a Sailor Moon-themed t-shirt or dress in the future!
This is what I do own right now:
- The Sailor Scouts Little Black Dress poster (from above)! I WILL NEVER PART WITH THIS. I’ve had it for almost 20 years (oh my god!), and I can’t imagine not having it. (I just learned that this poster was modeled after this gorgeous one from a Sailor Moon art book.)
- Sailor Moon themed fabric. As you can see above, I still have pieces of fabric that act as table covers and whatnot.
- These cute small Sailor Moon/Luna/Sailor Venus plush from my BFF!
Don’t forget to check out the other Sailor Moon swag/merchandise posts:
And also, check out my other posts:
- the book tag!
- Sailor Moon Funko giveaway!
- Sailor Pluto Book Recommendations!
- Favorite Sailor Moon villain!
Now go and get reading.
This is such a fun twist on this week’s topic! I’m in the same boat with wishing I had kept so many more of the childhood things I loved. I got the new Bandai version of the Moon Stick at NYCC a couple of years ago and it is the prettiest on my manga shelf!
OMG YOU HAD THE LOCKET *dying* I also had the Sailor Moon Adventure dolls! I believe they are currently in a storage unit of my parents’, but I remember the trips to Toys R Us where my mom would hunt for them!
Can we please discuss how beautiful the Sailor Scouts Little Black Dress poster is? Because it is GORGEOUS! I absolutely love the way it looks, and kind of wish I owned it too :D