Inspired by What She Reads, Pure Imagination Blog, and Stacked.I admit I’m a book cover snob. Who isn’t though?
Book covers are the first thing that attracts readers to a book. A good cover can draw someone is, just as a bad cover can easily draw someone away. It can essentially make or break a book. Holy, Mother Cover! is where I showcase the book covers that stand out (or make me cringe) and discuss cover changes.
(A big special thanks to Georgie at What She Reads for bestowing me this fabulous name and to Charlotte at Gypsy Reviews for creating the beautiful feature banner you see before you.)
I’ve been feeling a bit nostalgic about amusement parks. It’s been a while since I’ve been to one (and by a while, I mean a lonnnng time ago). And you know the one thing you can find there? The ferris wheel! Fun fact: I’ve never been on a ferris wheel.
Similar to the maps theme, the good ferris wheel book covers were a bit hard to find. I swear they were hiding from me (except the ones I picked for this post).
THEME: Ferris Wheel!
My favorite cover? Out of these five, it’s hard to pick; I like certain aspects of each one.
- In Four, I love the sparks coming from the ferris wheel.
- In What I Had Before I Had You, I like that it’s simple and that it’s like any normal day at the boardwalk.
- In The Wicked Girls, it looks very ominous like bad shit will happen.
- In The London Eye Mystery, I love the way the ferris wheel is angled, so that it’s as if you’re like the figures in the cover looking straight up at it.
- In Joyland, I love that it looks very 1950s horror-esque, and I’m a big fan that it was painted.
Best ferris wheel? Hands down, Four. Look at it! I realized that the majority of these covers have ferris wheels that are off in the distance or cut off so you can’t see the entirety of the wheel. Ha.
I love this feature as you already know! Four narrowly beats out The London Eye Mystery, which has a really perspective to it — I love how it’s designed on an angle. My 3rd favorite is definitely Joyland, I love the vintage, natural feel the cover has and I really need to get to it ASAP.
-Jon from Bookish Antics
The London Eye Mystery looks so cute! I love the perspective we get it’s like being on there and looking up!
I haven’t been on a ferris wheel too.
I like The London Eye Mystery because of weird angle.
As for more covers with ferris wheels there is a list on goodreads:
When I was a child I enjoyed going in Ferris Weels, but my fear of height makes that I avoid them nowadays. There aren’t a lot of covers out there with Ferris Wheels out there or maybe I never stumbled onto them, before this post I had only seen the Four cover.
The cover for What I Had Before You is absolutely lovely. And I love The London Eye Mystery’s interesting angle. But seriously, this theme is so creative! :D