BookExpo America (BEA) is the big book convention held in New York where authors, bloggers, and publishers get together and cause every book lover to cry – either in joy (because they were able to attend and get to meet authors and get ARCs) or in sadness (because those who are unable to attend have prior engagements). It starts today and it kills me that I’m not going. Because of that, I decided to take part in Armchair BEA, which is basically a virtual conference for people who cannot attend the actual convention. Let us hold hands and cry together.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?
My name is Cee (actually, it’s a nickname that has stuck to me since I initially began blogging). I’m 22 and I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in English (and a minor in History). You can say that they are great loves of mine. I started blogging years ago. Probably in high school (which makes it seven or eight years ago)? Blogging was a way to interact with people who shared the same interests as me, which at the time (and still is) was TV shows and just general pop culture things. None of my friends in high school watched anything I did and that made me feel a bit lonely. I needed somebody to scream my excitement and thoughts to. I started blogging about books this year, specially January 2013. Since I had recently graduated from college, I need something to fill my time and I thought ‘why not create a blog about one of my loves – books?’ And voila!
Where in the world are you blogging from? Tell a random fact or something special about your current location. Feel free to share pictures.
Bay Area, baby! For those who do not know what location I’m referring to, I’m talking about the San Francisco Bay Area. Something special about this location? Hmmm, we have a literary festival (that occurs in San Francisco) called Litquake in October where local authors come out to play? It’s not on the huge scale like BEA, but it’s still awesome. AND I live near NaNoWriMo’s (National Novel Writing Month) headquarters. Yeaaah.
What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2013?
These are four favorite books I’ve read so far in 2013.
Name your favorite blog(s) and explain why they are your favorite(s).
I have a lot of blogs that are my favorites. How am I suppose to narrow it down?
- Bewitched Bookworms
- Rather Be Reading
- Pub(lishing) Crawl
- The Perpetual Page-Turner
- The Broke and the Bookish
These blogs are my favorite because each blogger structures their reviews extremely well. They always have interesting posts that gets me thinking. And their blog designs are just gorgeous. They inspire and motivate me to do some blogging of my own. (I am terrible at explaining the reasons why anything is my favorite.)
If you could eat dinner with any author or character, who would it be and why?
Oh wow, that is such a hard question. If I had to pick an author, Daniel Handler? He’s always been a writing hero of mine. I love his wit, which makes me kind of apprehensive to pick him because I don’t think I can keep up with him. He is, no doubt, fabulous. If I had to pick a character, Adrian Ivashkov (from Richelle Mead’s Bloodlines series). No doubt about that. He’s my favorite character in the whole Vampire Academy series. He’s very charming and he always makes me smile from the things he says.
Hi, Cee! Great to meet you! I used to live in California, and love it there! I bet you’re having awesome weather right now. :) I haven’t read Unspoken yet, but I’ve got a copy of it that I’m really excited to get to. We both also like some of the same blogs! I’m one of the The Broke and the Bookish ladies, so I’m always happy to see our name pop up as a favorite blog! I’m so glad you enjoy reading our posts! :)
– Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl and The Broke and the Bookish
Hi! California is great! What part of California did you use to live in? Strangely, the weather yesterday was weird. It was sunny, but cold and semi-rainy. I was unsure of what to wear. Lol.
!!!! Oh geez, excuse the rather horrible and brief reasons why The Broke and the Bookish (and the other blogs) are my favorites. It’s one of those questions I never have an articulate reason why I do. :P
I used to live in Monterey and Moffett Field. It was in the early 90’s, and I’ve gone back countless times on vacation.
And I totally know what you mean about having favorite blogs just because. :) You don’t need a reason! I’m just glad you come!
Thanks for commenting on my intro post, by the way! It’s very exciting to hear you’re going for your MLS next fall! We’ll have to commiserate together. :)
You also asked in your comment why I hated hamburger as a kid. Honestly, it was all about the texture. Haha. Ground beef just did not work for me for the longest time! Tacos, meatballs, stroganoff, hamburgers, etc. None of it until I was 17. Weird, huh? And the only reason I even got rid of that issue was because I was dating a boy who took me to a hamburger joint, and I forced myself to eat one because I did not want to come off as weird. Crazy the things we do for love! I guess I should thank him now. Hamburger…. mmmmmm!
Hi Cee! I absolutely LOVED Bitten. Kelley Armstrong is great and one of my favorite UF authors. I hope to see you around!
Kinx’s Book Nook
Bitten is such an awesome book. I didn’t think I was going to love it as much as I do right now, but I loved Elena’s relationship with her pack. :D
Hi Cee!
It’s great to meet you. I also have a degree in English with a minor in history. I think they go well together – both required tons of reading and writing. Plus, I just loved both from a young age. I’m hoping to have so much fun with Armchair BEA this year that I’ll hardly notice that I can’t make it to BEA.
YES. A FELLOW ENGLISH MAJOR/HISTORY MINOR. Pleased to meet you! English and History definitely do! They really complement each other. I’m kind of disappointed that I didn’t major in History, but it’s okay!
I hope so too! (But I can’t help but think about the bloggers meeting authors and getting books. I want to do that!)
I’m going to want to take a bunch of vacations after reading about all of the beautiful places that the ABEAers live in. :) I’ve been in California a few times but always in the south.
I see you’re like me…picking ONE favorite book is almost impossible ;)
Nice to “meet” ya!
Ha. Same here! You should come to the Bay Area! It’s really amazing to roam through the districts in San Francisco.
Of course! Nobody can just pick one book. And if they did, they are holding another book back! :D
I have Unspoken hanging out on my Nook waiting for me. I can’t wait to get to it!!!
Happy ArmchairBEA!
You have to tell me how you like it!
I love everybody in that book. I don’t want anything bad to happen to them. Lol.
Hi Cee, good to meet you :-). I loved Hopeless too, its my fav contem so far. I have yet to read Unspoken but I heart the cover. And I see we like the some of the same blogs, I agree they are totally inspiring.
BookishTrish @ Between the Lines