That’s a huge milestone.
It has been five long years of The Novel Hermit. That’s…crazy.
Five years ago on December 19th, I couldn’t even imagine my blog growing and lasting as long as it did. I certainly hoped it would do so, and now the day has come and…wow.
Thank you to everybody who visited and commented and shared my excitement about books. Thank you to all the friends I’ve made in the past five years. Thank you to all the publishers and authors for letting me read their works.
In the past five years, I’ve really honed in on what I enjoy reading (found families, clever writing, thieves, literary characters, classic lit retellings); I’ve gained meaningful connections—both in the YA and comics world; I’ve really embraced the DNF; I’ve started working at a bookstore, so I’m noticing all the books that people grab a lot. My curiosity of all things book related has really helped me in recommending books and recalling books customers want. I can go on and on about what these five years have brought me, but of course, I can’t remember everything.
My blog is quiet at the moment, but I’m hoping to revive it by incorporating some bookstore stuff? We’ll see.
I’m just gonna bask on the fact that The Novel Hermit is five years old. Wow.
May there be many more years of The Novel Hermit to come. <3
Happy blogoversary!! Woohoo! 5 YEARS! That’s HUGE! Here’s to many more!
Woohoo – Congratulations on the blogiversary!!! Super awesome – glad you’re still around :-)
That’s so wonderful. Congratulations on such an awesome blog. Hope you have many more years to come.
Happy 5 year Blogoversary! Wishing you many more years of success!
Congrats on making five years! That’s such a wonderful accomplishment.:D
Congrats, Cee! Five years is SUCH a huge milestone and takes a lot of hard work and dedication to keep a hobby going for that long! I’m looking forward to more posts from you in 2018! :)
Happy 5th blogoversary!!!!!
Cee, I am SO, SO, SO happy for making 5 years! Looking forward to many more and I hope you’ll have a great year to come!
Happy blogiversary!!!! Wow, 5 years is HUGE! looking forward for more amazing years and reviews from your blog! <3