2016 has begun, and have I accomplished any of my 2015 goals?
My 2015 goals seemed fairly easy to get through, but a few months into the year, I had totally forgot that I had goals I wanted to achieve. Looking back at what I’ve accomplished and haven’t accomplished, it’s—well—kind of embarrassing to see the end results. You can gather from my tone that I didn’t rock my 2015 goals like I intended.
Despite my lack of achievements of 2015 goals, I still want to set up 2016 goals, and hopefully, I’ll actually complete them.
First, let’s take a look at how I did with my 2015 goals! But if you want to go straight to my 2016 goals, just click here!
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- Read General Fiction (Goal: at least a book a month)?
Ummm, I did not keep to this at all. I got distracted after the fourth month. I was not prepared for this goal because if I was, I should’ve had picked out 12 general fiction books I wanted to read. Instead, I only managed to read seven general fiction books (still an good feat), but I was not consistent with it.
- Read Classical Fiction (Goal: 8 Books)?
None at all. Like my general fiction goal, I did not pick out the eight books I wanted to read. I should’ve really picked them out so I didn’t forget them.
- Tackle My TBR On My Physical Bookshelves?
Unfortunately not. My TBR mocks me. They stare at me and mock me from across the room. I was so caught up in the recent books I’ve received in the mail.
- Write Reviews For Books I’ve Read?
Okay, I kind of did? Not really for the books I really loved because oh boy, I haven’t even begun to process my love for them into intelligible words. (Have you seen my Radiance review? Because oh boy, love essay that took forever to perfect!)
This goal was mainly for the YA/MG/review books I read, and out of the 43, I wrote approximately 35, which isn’t too terrible. (I should really compare it to 2014.)
- Collaborate with Bloggers + Authors?
Sort of? I collaborated with a bunch of authors for Essential Reading at first. However in the last half of 2015, I didn’t collaborate as much since there was just so many things going on, but that’s no excuse! I’m disappointed that I didn’t do it consistently.
- Comment More On Posts + Be More Social?
I think I could’ve been better? I was on and off, depending on the mood and on the free time I had.
- Revamp Forgotten Features?
I didn’t do this at all. :P
- Write, write, write?
Yup! Though, not creatively as I had thought. No matter, writing is writing.
- Read more Middle Grade (Goal: At least one a month)
Last year, I fell in love with Middle Grade. Given, I’ve read only a couple last year, but I started searching for awesome Middle Grade books, and I found them! (I’m a bit burned out by YA and the romance.) Now, 2016 will be the rise of the Middle Grades for me! I’m so excited for it!
- Read General Fiction (At least one a month)
Last year, I failed this goal, but this year? I’m gonna rock it. (Or at least try.)
Books I gotta read: Welcome to Night Vale, Deathless, Station Eleven, The Storied Life of AJ Fikry, Ready Player One, Play It As It Lays, Kafka on Shore, On Beauty, The Late Hector Kipling.
It all depends on if the mood hits, which kind of sucks.
- Read Classical Fiction (Goal: 8 Books)
Like my general fiction goal, I’d like to achieve this goal (even though I failed it in 2015). This time, I know I need to figure out which eight classics I want to read. Off the top of my head, I can think of Rebecca, The House of Mirth, and Vile Bodies. That’s a start, right?
Participate and stick with reading challenges.
Last month, I posted about the 2016 reading challenges I will be participating in, and I’m really hoping that I stick with them by the end of the year. I know I will most likely go off the rails because I’m terribly underprepared and mood reading will happen and all, but I’m extremely hopeful! I can totally stick with it if I put my mind to it!
- Read unread TBR books from my bookshelves (Goal: At least two books)
This goal will probably on every list for years to come if my TBR list of books I own keep on growing (and grows it does). I need to cull my books on my bookshelves, so I gotta read those unread books. That’s why I’m partaking in the Rock My TBR reading challenge.
- Do more comic/graphic novel related posts.
I want to spread my love for comics/graphic novels. I want to shout it from the rooftops so everybody can hear! I want to be crown the Comics Queen. ;)
- Do the 2015 goals I set for myself in 2016.
I want to read Deathless this year too! I’ve had a copy for so long it’s about damn time.
Have you read The Mapmaker’s Trilogy? One of my favorite MG books!
I need to work on my physical TBR shelf as well.I get so sidetracked by other books sometimes by library books or new releases. Good luck with your goals this year!
I’d love to read more MG as well, but there don’t seem to be as many for review in Australia for some reason. But lol, I’m glad I didn’t make any goals for 2015 because I don’t think I would have followed them.
It’s great you’ve reflected and made up new goals for this year! Good luck with the resolutions! :)
You didn’t read 12 general fiction books, but 7 is really impressive if you ask me. TBR piles are here to please and torture us as the same time. If you want to know more Middle grade books, I’ve read a few good ones last year :) I also want to read many of my TBR books and stay on top of my challenges.
Good luck and happy reading :)!
I set myself the goal of reading more classics every year, and I still fail haha. Good luck!
I did mostly okay on my 2015 goals, though reading at least fifty of the books I own eluded me! Still, there’s always this year to achieve that ;) Wishing you lots of luck on your goals, Cee! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT <3 (P.S. Let's read Rebecca together!)
Oh the goal of reading more middle grade is a great one, though not one I need myself since pretty much every other book I read is middle grade. (If you need recs, just ask) My goals this year are to read all the books I own and have yet to, and to post one review per week. :)
I failed miserably at my 2015 goals, only achieving one of them! But I do feel like I made progress last year which is what counts. This year I have a good feeling about my resolutions. That may just be the beginning of the year talking though! :) Good luck with your goals!
I was nodding along reading about your 2015 goals that you missed, especially the classics and tackling your TBR. It’s so hard when there are so many amazing new books coming out all the time, but those older books deserve our love too! I’m planning to make back-list books a priority this year, especially ones that have been sitting on my shelf for ages. Good luck with your 2016 goals!
~Marie @ Ramblings of a Daydreamer
PS: I LOVE your blog design! :-)
Welcome to Night Vale! Deathless! I read Deathless, and it was such a captivating Russian fairytale read. And ugh, I need to get my hands on Welcome to Night Vale. ;___; I love the podcast so much that I moderate it to the point that I need a huge buffer of episodes. By that, I mean 50 episodes.