I love fonts. You can say I’m obsessed with collecting them all. It’s no secret to those who know me. You’re Just My Type is a new feature where I showcase the fonts I absolutely adore and use. And hopefully, you will love the fonts I pick. Add all of them to your font collection! Let it grow!
To the person who found my blog with the question “what is the font on Rebel Belle,” today is your lucky day! I, the font sleuth, have found it! *SQUEEEAALLLS*
Yesssss, I did! Everybody dance with meeee! :D (Though, if you’re wondering about “Rachel Hawkins” one, then you’re out of lucky because I only found the title font.)
It is called Berimbau Basic, which is actually a paid font.
Isn’t it pretty and on point? The one you see is the bolded version of Berimbau Basic.
However, if you are unable to purchase this font (because of money or whatever), no worries! I got you covered! Here are some free alternatives that almost looks the same!
Designed by Kimberly Geswein
KG How Many Times is my favorite out of all the alternatives because it’s pretty and it’s very similar to Berimbau Basic, despite some differences like the letters and the roundness of it. The ‘L’ and the ‘B’ is pretty much the same, except there’s a bit of the ‘B’ that hangs out from the top and the bottom. If you want to imitate the title font, then KG How Many Times is your go-to one.
Designed by Skyhaven Fonts
Windsor Hand actually brought to my attention by Charlotte. It’s like a more lax version of Berimbau Basic. It’s not as straight, but it does the job! The ‘R’ has that cute little curl at the end. The ‘L’ is practically the same, other than the slight curve in its back. The way these letters are shaped adds more character to the font!
Designed by Austie Bost Fonts
Austie Bost Descriptions is a font that reminds me of Berimbau Basic even though it’s more different than the other fonts I’ve showcased here. It’s the letters, particularly the ‘R’ and the ‘B’. The shape of the letters aren’t quite the same. However, the ‘E’ and the ‘L’ is very familiar, which you will obviously see why.
So, there you go! The Rebel Belle font! Which version is your favorite? Do you like the original? What did you think of this post?
Because I can’t insert an emoji but you can obviously imagine me holding my trademark peace sign HAHA which is completely suitable for the situation. YOU’RE WELCOME ;D
I think it’s a huge shame KG How Many Times doesn’t have that spectacular ‘R’ though. But it does carry the same effect as the original.
I really do love how different the font is and it somehow manages to combine whimsy with elegance which is a pretty hard combination to get.
Yay that’s awesome that you found it! I like how although these fonts look similar, they have tiny differences if you look real closely.
Love the Rebel Belle font! That is so awesome that you found it. I can only imagine how hard that was. :D
Go Cee! I’m still really impressed by your font sleuthing skills. Share your secrets one day? ;)
The alternatives you picked out were really lovely too! I especially like Austie Bost Descriptions!
Oh my gosh, I LOVE Austie Boat Descriptions. I lost all the fonts on my computer because my old laptop died and I had to get a new one, so I’ve been on the lookout for cute fonts again. I’m not really a fan of bolder fonts (like Barimbau Basic), so this one is perfect.
I’m loving these fonts! I think this is the type of handwriting I always wanted, all cute and bubbly but alas! Never had that great of handwriting, haha.
LOL I like Austie Bost Descriptions the best… just sayin’! :D Thanks for including it! I’m pinning this to Pinterest now! :D
OMG, you found the font! I was watching Xtine May’s book haul vlog and I was like, eeeep, I wanna know the font.
I also think that Austie Bost Descriptions is the most similar to Berimbau Basic despite it being not as much similar. We’re both weird, it’s okay.