Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we list our top tens! This week’s topic is “top ten authors I’ve never read.” I realized there are A LOT of authors I have not read, which boggles my mind. I thought I had, but nope. Why I haven’t read these authors are a mixture of these reasons: their books get extremely overhyped and I fear I’ll be disappointed, their books don’t appeal to me, some asshole spoiled the ending for me, other books distract me, and sometimes the author has done or said some problematic stuff that really turn me off to them.
I know I’ll eventually read their books. It’s just a matter of time. ;D
Have you read any of these authors? What book do you recommend I read from these lists of authors?
Oh dear.. WOW o.O I do not have your willpower! Well.. I kind of do.. I have read
Veronica Roth ( Divergent ) — I’m scared to read the rest.
Lauren Oliver ( Delirium ) — it was pretty good :) .. haven’t read more.
Suzanne Collins ( Hunger Games ) — uh YA I have read these! Loved all but #3. #1 and #2 though.. THE FEELS
Julie Kagawa ( The Immortal Rules )– LOVED. Need to get my hands on #2
Cassandra Clare ( The mortal instruments.. i think?– I read one of her books.. eh.. i’m ok without more.
Scott Westerfeld ( EVERYTHING ) YESSSSS I want more from him! Don’t miss out on his writing if you like sci fi!
Thank you for sharing your list!!
Michelle @ The Passionate Bookworms
My favorite authors from this list are Julie Kagawa and Suzanne Collins. I absolutely love their novels! <3 I have a love/hate relationship with books by Cassandra Clare, John Green, Veronica Roth and Lauren Oliver. The rest of these authors are also high on my want-to-read-from list! Thanks for sharing, Cee! <3
I know what you mean by all the reasons especially the spoilery ones. I work so hard at avoiding spoilers it’s tiring. Suzanne Collins, though. You won’t be disappointed, Cee. BELIEVE ME. I can take you not reading Vampire Academy but this just breaks my heart… =(
I’ve only read John Green (The Fault in Our Stars and An Abundance of Katherines), Veronica Roth (loved Divergent but have yet to read the other two) and Suzanne Collins (it’s Harry Potter of the dystopian genre).
And oh, Cassandra Clare. I kinda always forget about reading City of Bones and City of Ashes though I did enjoy them, too… Err.
Meh, I’m wary of John Green now because his books have been SO OVERHYPED. It surprises people when they hear I haven’t read his books yet but *shrugs* Divergent was okay-ish, definitely wasn’t as good as everyone said. I only read Panic by Lauren Oliver and it was pretty good, her writing is beautiful. I don’t think I need to say anything about Suzanne Collins haha because THG!
I read Code Name Verity a few days ago and just so much disappointment :( Haven’t read Libba Bray, Neil Gaiman or Scott Westerfield either but intend to! Julie Kagawa is AMAZING, she will crush you with feels because she is a master and lives on the tears of her readers (she actually says that sometimes on Twitter I think haha). You tell me when you read The Immortal Rules and I will be here for all your feels :D Bleh about CC, don’t intend to read her books ever. Not after I found out about her plagiarism.
I hadn’t read anything by Julie Kagawa either until recently now that I’ve started reading the Iron King series! No John Green books for me either. I’ve just begun to associate his name with sad books and I don’t like to read those. I know they aren’t all sad, so I’ll probably take a look at them someday.
Ha! I’ve read all of these except Kagawa, who I keep meaning to get to. I really liked Bray’s Gemma Doyle books, though it seems like people haven’t liked her subsequent work as well. And I liked Oliver’s Before I Fall, but not really Delirium. I have Panic on hold from the library, though, so hopefully I like that!
I haven’t read Lauren Oliver, Elizabeth Wein, Libba Bray, Julie Kagawa, or Scott Westerfield, either! *high fives*
I can definitely understand not wanting to read a book because of its hype. I do that sometimes. Because more often that not – when I read these hyped up books, they are not as amazing as everyone made them out to be. And then all I feel is this horrible sense of disappointment and let-down-ness. I am always wanting to read fantastic and amazing stories, and then when everyone says that they’ve found one: hurrah! And then: no, nope. That book wasn’t fantastic. :(
Out of the authors I HAVE read on your list, I really recommend Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games is an amazing book, and you can trust me because of my previous statement regarding hyped up books. :D
I loved C Clare’s series, but I wish the Mortal Instruments had been left as a trilogy. So that’s my recommendation – read the first three books and pretend like everything after never happened. The story totally ends at a place with enough resolution that you won’t be upset!
The only authors I haven’t met from your list are: Elizabeth Wein, Libba Bray & Scott Westerfeld. I really want to read Wein’s series. I recommend Julie Kagawa, especially her vampire series The immortal rules :) Neil Gaiman has some great stories!
Wha-what?! You mean to tell me you haven’t read Green, Roth, Collins, Bray OR Kagawa??!!? Oh my! John Green’s best (in my opinion) is Paper Towns! (I mean, I named my whole book blog after it! Ha!) Roth, of course, you must read Divergent, the movie is coming out this month! And you haven’t read HUNGER GAMES?! Libba Bray’s fave of my is A Great and Terrible Beauty, and Kagawa: you must read The Iron King! I think it is such a good series!!!!1!1
Wha-what?! You mean to tell me you haven’t read Green, Roth, Collins, Bray OR Kagawa??!!? Oh my! John Green’s best (in my opinion) is Paper Towns! (I mean, I named my whole book blog after it! Ha!) Roth, of course, you must read Divergent, the movie is coming out this month! And you haven’t read HUNGER GAMES?! Libba Bray’s fave of my is A Great and Terrible Beauty, and Kagawa: you must read The Iron King! I think it is such a good series!!!!1!1
For starting points:
Green: Paper Towns
Collins: The Hunger Games are great, but I loved the Gregor the Overlander series while growing up. It’s earlier work of hers and they’re quick reads. Really more JUV than YA.
Bray: A Great and Terrible Beauty
Gaiman: TOUGH- but I’d say a good starting point would be The Graveyard Book. I LOVE Neverwhere, but I think you kind of have to ease into that level of Gaimanism.
Westerfeld: The Uglies trilogy is a good intro. I was not so impressed by Midnighters and for whatever reason Leviathan just did not hit the spot for me.
I haven’t read five of these authors either! Though I’m going to start The Diviners this month so It’ll be down to four! (Irony, haha!) Definitely read Divergent, The Fault in Our Stars (though I’ve personally been recommended all of John Green’s books) and The Hunger Games. THG is an experience! A real terrifying experience. I read the Uglies series yeeeeears ago. I can’t remember how old I was. Under 16, I think. Loved them though! Still one of my go-to series for futuristic books. I had no idea it was a dystopia until the 2012 dystopia fad kicked in.
I’ve read 8 out of this list! I actually just read PANIC by Lauren Oliver, which I liked a lot better than Delirium. A recent fave on this list is Libba Bray — I listened to the audiobook of Beauty Queens and couldn’t stop laughing! Will definitely be picking up more of her books. Also, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a picture of Cassandra Clare before?!?
The only ones I’ve read here is Elizabeth Wein, Veronica Roth, Suzanne collins and neil gaimon! Code name verity was so good! I seriously loved it. You should read divergent! I mean it wasn’t my favorite ever but definitely worth reading! I really enjoyed neil gaimon’s stardust too!
I’ve read six of the authors on your list! (Weirdly enough, the six I’ve read are the first six on your list. Huh.) Come on, Cee, get with it. ;) I would recommend them all except Veronica Roth. Divergent was enjoyable enough, in a mindless action-y kind of way, but the series goes truly downhill from Insurgent onwards. John Green…eh, I love love love The Fault in Our Stars, but I thought An Abundance of Katherines was just okay. I’ll have to read more of his before I make up my mind. But oh my god Elizabeth Wein. You NEED to read Code Name Verity!
Cee!!! I’ve read 9/10 from your list (haven’t read anything by Neil Gaiman). So, here are my recommendations (sorry if this gets kinda long!)
Suzanne Collins: The Hunger Games, obvi.
Veronica Roth: Of course Divergent (although Allegiant was a bit of a let-down)
Scott Westerfeld: Uglies! Uglies! Always Uglies!
Lauren Oliver: Delirium, no duh.
Libba Bray: Beauty Queens for some hysterical laughing, OR A Great and Terrible Beauty for magic and history and boarding schools in a very sophisticated way.
John Green: Looking for Alaska is my personal favourite.
Julie Kagawa: I’ve only read The Immortal Rules, but it was pretty good.
Cassandra Clare: City of Bones (but… um… *whispers* I don’t really like this series….*)
You’ve got SO much catching up to do, Cee! ;)