I saw Charlene do this meme, and thought that looks fun. I always find “would you rather” questions fun to contemplate, and here, we have a bookish one. I gotta do this!
- Would you rather read only trilogies or standalones?
Standalones ftw! I am terrible at reading trilogies (or series) because there are so many to keep up with. You have to wait for the next one to come out, and it’s always a bother. Standalones are way easier to read and reread because it’s just one book. There’s so much writers can pack in a book, and there’s no need to wait.
- Would you rather read only male or female authors?
Hands down, female authors!
Majority of books I read are female authors anyways, so it’s not such a big loss if I stopped reading male authors all together. However, most of my favorite books (outside of YA) are written by male authors, so that makes me a bit hesitant.
Would you rather shop at Barnes & Noble or Amazon?
Why not support our indies?
But from the two choices, I would rather shop at Amazon because it’s cheaper and convenient. I can buy other items that aren’t books like post-its and appliances in one place, and I can do it all without leaving my house. It’s the best! I know I’ll lose the thrill of being in a bookstore and touching books, but that’s okay.
- Would you rather all books become movies or TV shows?
Mini-series! Eight episodes maximum. Almost in the same vein as a Netflix series or when a couple of Stephen King books were made into a mini-tv series.
I think it would be pretty awesome if all books were a mini-series because it won’t fall into the problems that movies and TV shows have when adapting a book. Yes, books adapted into movies can be excellent, but I hate it when certain important things are condensed for the sake of time. And with TV shows, who wants 20-22 episode of a book? It will most likely be dragged out, boring, and have plots that weren’t in the book in the first place. I wouldn’t want that.
Just keep it kinda of short-long and sweet.
- Would you rather read 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?
It’s pretty much a no-brainer that I’d pick 5 books per week. If I could.
Why would I read only 5 pages per day? Do you know how fast I will breeze through 5 pages? It’s like less than 5 minutes. I want to read longer than that!
- Would you rather be a professional reviewer or author?
Eeeep, being an author would be wonderful, and even though I like to write stories, I don’t think it’s the right avenue for me. I don’t think I’d be committed to write a full-length book nor the confidence that my story is worth telling. I’d rather be a professional reviewer because I love the feeling when I know people read the book I’ve recommended because of me. It’s what I already do right now, so to do it professionally would be awesome.
- Would you rather read your top 20 favorite books over and over or always read new ones you haven’t read before?
Jeez, this is such a cruel question! How am I supposed to choose?
I think I would rather read my top 20 favorite books over and over because my favorites will never disappoint me. I reread a lot of my favorite books anyways, so I know I won’t get tired of them. If I only read new books I haven’t read before, there’s a higher chance that I will dislike the book, and why waste my time on books that will annoy me? I know I won’t find new favorite books, but that’s okay. I just need to be able to read my favorites!
- Would you rather be a librarian or a book seller?
Ooh, oooh, ooohhhh. I think I would rather be a librarian! I think it’s more rewarding because a librarian can create programs that advocate for literacy, archive important texts, provide books for people who are unable to get access to it, and so much more. They’re a godsend to communities!
- Would you rather only read your favorite genre or every genre except your favorite?
Well, I don’t particularly have a favorite genre. Since I don’t have a favorite genre, I’d have to pick “read every genre except my favorite.” I’d still be able to read alllllll genres because I have no favorite. ;)
- Would you rather only read physical books or ebooks?
I should say physical books because nothing is better than being able to flip through the pages of a book, but I gotta go with ebooks. I can carry a bazillion books in my Kindle wherever I go, and it doesn’t take up that much room. It’s efficient and convenient. (Sorry, physical books.)
Oh, what a fun tag! I haven’t seen this one before, and I might have to do it too. I loved seeing your answers to these questions, Cee! Very fascinating and it’s actually an even better way to get to know you ;)
I did this meme and quite enjoyed it too :) It’s interesting to really think about personal preferences.
This challenge looks so fun. I just might do it. I would also rather be a librarian, for all the reasons you listed.
Ah so happy that you did the tag Cee! I think you’re the first person I know who said they would only read their favorites – such a hard choice, but it shows how devoted you are to your fave books! :) Great ‘out’ too for the question on if you would only read your favorite genre. ;) I see we pretty much have the same answers which is cool!
I love your answer about TV shows vs. movies! It’s so hard to get a book just right when you’re limited to about 2 hours. I feel like a lot of books would benefit from small mini-series so it doesn’t get TOO drawn out (like Pretty Little Liars). This is a fun tag!