Well, it is the New Year, so what is it I have to do? Talk about my goals, of course! I don’t usually set up goals in general because I ever hardly remember. This past year was the first time in a long time I decided to type out my goals, and I did forget what I had intended to achieve, so there’s that. However, even though I forgot, I still managed to achieve some of my goals. So why not do it again in 2015?
First, let’s take a look at how I did with my 2014 goals! But if you want to go straight to my 2015 goals, just click here!
- Reach 500 followers?
Yup! I reached that recently, and I was absolutely thrilled! Such a big accomplishment. I’m so proud of my blog, continuing to grow bigger and bigger.
- Start requesting ARCs from publishers?
I have started to request ARCs. I’ve done better at requesting e-ARCs than physical ones, but I will not stop until I make my name known!
- Get my TBR pile down to a manageable size?
Yeah, this didn’t happen. How do you try to read your TBR list if you’re a mood reader? I just want to read whatever I feel like in a moment. Not the best when you don’t want to read any books you physical own.
- Prep blog posts in advance?
- Review a book twice a week?
- Reply to comments.
Hahahahahaha. I unfortunately did not do any of these because well, I suck.
- More new original content.
Sort of? I have brought back my “letter to” feature and revamped it so that it is the fabulous “Sincerely, Cee: A Letter from Yours Truly.” It has evolved from writing about characters to writing to upcoming (unpublished) books and their authors. (It’s like a Waiting on Wednesday, but better because it’s mine.)
- Read General Fiction (Goal: at least a book a month)
I don’t think I’ve read too much general fiction, and that’s a problem. There are sooo many general fiction I want to tackle, but I never find the time to focus on one and read it. It’s gonna be different this time! I’ll be tackling this with Charlotte. We spent hours freaking out about alllll the adult fiction with awesome stories that we were itching to read like Station Eleven and A Man Called Ove.
- Read Classical Fiction (Goal: 8 Books)
It’s been too long since I’ve read classical fiction! And when I say it’s been so long, I actually mean it. I think it has been close to two years ago? Back when I was in my last year of college. I have tons of classical books (Edith Wharton and Dostoevsky) that I own, but never got to read. But this year, I’m actually going to read them! I will!
- Tackle My TBR List On My Physical Bookshelves
Do you about the many books that stare at me when I’m sleeping? I bet they’re judging me that I have yet to read them. I’m making it my mission to actually read them. I own so many books that I haven’t read, and it’s about time I actually read them.
- Write Reviews For Books I’ve Read
I read a lot of books that I don’t end up reviewing. It’s not that I don’t want to; I do, but sometimes, I find it hard to convey what I want to articulate. I want to give the book a justice. How am I supposed to published something I’m not satisfied with? It also doesn’t help that I’m quite a perfectionist. I just need to get over that perfectionist thinking and just write.
- Collaborate with Bloggers + Authors
2014 was supposed to the year that I would collaborate with other bloggers and authors, but unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. I encountered many changes in my life, which made me unable to fulfill this goal. But 2015 will be different. I already have ideas swirling in my brain, and I’m excited for them to come into fruition.
- Comment More On Posts + Be More Social
I did not comment on replies or posts that often (despite my goal too), but towards the end of 2014, I was making an effort. But this year, I will do it. I’m gonna rock it. I’m gonna make new friends and squeal and flail and rejoice. And all that awesomeness.
- Revamp Forgotten Features
Because of certain changes in my life, I abandoned features like XOXO: Fangirling About Romances, and I want to bring it back.
- Write, write, write!
Not just reviews and things for The Novel Hermit, but also, write things for this secret project (which I will unveil soon) and write my stories. 2014 was not a great creative writing year for me, and that sucks. I want to plan this book that’s been swimming in my brain since I graduated college. It’s just a matter of knowing how to execute it. Just thinking about it makes me pumped. So yes, I gotta write a lot, and it’ll be fun.
I’m going to try harder to comment on other blogs and request more ARCs as well! I’m trying out a bingo challenge this year so we’ll see how that goes :)
I had no idea about your 2014 goals so half of this is BRAND NEW INFORMATION to me :o but YASSS YOU GOT SOME DONE *fist pump*
Eeeeek general fiction!! I’m so excited for this, it’ll be a nice breather from YA and all. And ooo, you better read that classical fic. Ditto about the TBR, I’m gonna have nightmares someday about how many of them are unread and the lack of space. Eeek! Excited about your collabs :D YESSS WRITEEEE, ugh Cee I’m so excited for you about everything even though this is not in caps lol I’m reallllly excited!!
Yay Goals! I did okay on mine from last year. I was able to cut down on the number of arcs I requested…well at least e-arcs and end of the year arcs. September was a FAIL month for me in all things blog related. But I feel much better. My TBR shelves aren’t that bad right now! I actually don’t feel stressed. It’s amazing. Congrats on 500 followers and achieving some of your goals! Happy New Year!
Good job at reaching 500 followers and getting some ARCs. :) I do E-ARCS but I may try physical ones this year. TBR piles are so difficult to get down to a manageable size.
Yay, a few of our goals are the same. :) I also want to read more adult fiction this year, at least one a month. That’s the same for classic books. I have a stack I haven’t touched, but I want to read at least one of those a month.
My books also stare at me when I’m sleeping. Somehow I bought an ungodly amount of books in September and only read five or six since. :( Hopefully you do well at this, this year.
I want to comment on more posts and be social too. I always forget to go through others’ blogs and check them out, then I get behind. Your XOXO: Fangirling About Romances sounds like such a great feature! I’d be interested in reading that one. I have a few features I want to start/continue/”bring back” this year. I definitely want to write more this year too aside from blogging.
Imma so freaking excited for your secret project. Curiosity burns inside me, Cee!
I really liked your XOXO feature so yes, bring it back.
Anyway, I’ve been pretty bad when it comes to commenting lately and I’m trying to get back into habit because I miss all the blogs I love.
Good luck writing and conquering general fiction and classics! You can do it. =D
Tackling my physical tbr shelf is definitely a goal of mine too! I bought way too many books in 2014 that I didn’t always have time to read and they have pilled up. I’d like to read more classical fiction books this year too (they’re also part of that large physical tbr shelf haha). Looks like you have some great goals for 2015! Best of luck in completing them :)
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers! I hope you enjoy the rest of your 2015, and that it’s going to be one boss year for you! :D